Helping You Look & Feel Your Best
Without Surgery

Our Doctor

Doctor Irene obtained her Bachelor of Medicine from one of the most prestigious medical faculty in Indonesia, Airlangga University with the cum laude predicate. She realizes that aesthetics beyond the superficial beautification of one’s appearance to boosting self-esteem. Her strong passion for aesthetic medicine drives her to pursue a master’s degree in Anti-Aging Medicine.
She is known for her honest opinion and only provides recommendations that cater to patients’ needs according to evidence-based medicine to achieve a desirable result. Dr. Irene believes that every patient is amazing in their own way. She considers herself fortunate to have the ability to enhance their unique beauty and empower patients to become their best selves.
She actively attends workshops & courses both national and international to keep up to date with the latest developments in Aesthetic & Anti Aging Medicine. As an avid dog lover, she spends her free time with her adorable dog. She is also a skincare enthusiast and beauty expert who loves to share her knowledge with others on her social media platform.
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Opens Everyday

10.00 - 18.00

Healthy Look Aesthetic
at Ubud Nyuh Bali Resort
Raya Silungan st Lodtunduh Ubud Bali